Event recap: Two's company, Three's a deck (WBO)

 Hello community,

    I am back with some recap of Two's company, Three's a deck (WBO) event. I have been a bit late just because I wanted to understand all the combos and why they were used and also because I was dealing with a wrist injury. My wrist injury also impacted my performance at the event in which I came 9th, narrowly missing the super 8. However, that's ok because its all part of the game. 

    The event was extremely fun with a lot of players of all ages coming out. We also had a few players from United States that showed up! They know who they are and if they are reading it, you guys were awesome! This was one of the first big events for Beyblade X hosted by WBO Dan in Toronto. 

    This event was also very significant because this was the first event where a lot of players had the time to formulate their combos and find out what the current meta would be. 

Picture 1 (from left to right): 3rd place originalzankye, 1st place Ali12345456, 2nd place1234beyblade

The top 3 beyblades in this event were:

1. Ali12345456 (Hellscythe 4-60N, Knightshield 3-80T, Dransword 3-60F) 

With his counter attack focused deck, his Hellscythe 4-60N really surprised everyone as Needle had a very poor reputation prior to this event. 

2. 1234beyblade (Dransword 3-60F, Knightshield 3-80B, Hellscythe 4-60HN)

Known as a fearsome attack specialist, it was no surprise that his Dransword 3-60F (stock) was able to demolish everyone. It wasn't just the beyblade, his consistent launch speed gave a lot of players headache.

3. originalzankye (Knightlance 3-60T, Hellscythe 4-60B, Knightshield 3-80HN)

Famed youtuber Zankye wowed everyone with his spin on the counter attack Knightlance on tapered. He was able to utilize the Knightlance blade's recoil to its advance and made it an attack type!

    One of the things learned in this event was that due to its very aggressive shape, Dransword wears down and loses its attack. That is one very significant drawback to Dransword because its Flat bit has very low stamina too. This event highlighted the importance and performance of counter attack beyblades rather than pure attack or defensive combos. 

Note: ALL images are thanks to WBO Dan


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